30.2°F, Weather: broken clouds

Yard waste and garbage is collected by Waste Industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are Princeville's most frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are Princeville's most frequently asked questions. How do I get my electricity turned on? (citizens of the Princeville community receive electricity from one of these two power companies) Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Membership Corporation EMEMC P.O. Box 188 679 N.C. Hwy. 33 East Tarboro, NC 27886-0188 1-800-445-6486 252-823-2171, Fax: 252-823-4535 http://www.ememc.com Dominion NC Power 1-886-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357)...

How do I get a trashcan?

Contact Town Hall at 252-823-1057

How do I get my water turned on?

Contact the Edgecombe County Water and Sewer P.O. Box 10 201 St. Andrew St. Tarboro, NC 27886 252-823-3042 http://www.edgecombecountync.gov

Do I need a building permit?

Most building projects, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing work are required to be inspected. All inspections in Princeville are handled by the Edgecombe County Inspections Department. Prior to obtaining your building permit from Edgecombe County, you must obtain a Zoning Compliance Permit from the town. Contact Town Hall for more information: 252-823-1057.

Do I need a business license?

All businesses, either operating in or based in Princeville, contact Town Hall for more information: 252-823-1057.

Who picks up my yard waste garbage?

Yard waste and garbage is collected by Waste Industries.

How do I get my electricity turned on?

(citizens of the Princeville community receive electricity from one of these two power companies) Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Membership Corporation EMEMC P.O. Box 188 679 N.C. Hwy. 33 East Tarboro, NC 27886-0188 1-800-445-6486 252-823-2171, Fax: 252-823-4535 http://www.ememc.com Dominion NC Power 1-886-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357) https://www.dom.com/dominion-north-carolina-power