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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are Princeville's most frequently asked questions.

How do I get my electricity turned on?

(citizens of the Princeville community receive electricity from one of these two power companies)

Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Membership Corporation EMEMC
P.O. Box 188
679 N.C. Hwy. 33 East
Tarboro, NC 27886-0188
252-823-2171, Fax: 252-823-4535

Dominion NC Power
1-886-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357)

Who picks up my yard waste garbage?

Yard waste and garbage is collected by Waste Industries.

Do I need a business license?

All businesses, either operating in or based in Princeville, contact Town Hall for more information: 252-823-1057.

Do I need a building permit?

Most building projects, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing work are required to be inspected. All inspections in Princeville are handled by the Edgecombe County Inspections Department. Prior to obtaining your building permit from Edgecombe County, you must obtain a Zoning Compliance Permit from the town. Contact Town Hall for more information: 252-823-1057.

How do I get my water turned on?

Contact the Edgecombe County Water and Sewer
P.O. Box 10
201 St. Andrew St.
Tarboro, NC 27886

How do I get a trashcan?

Contact Town Hall at 252-823-1057

Here are Princeville's most frequently asked questions.

How do I get my electricity turned on?

(citizens of the Princeville community receive electricity from one of these two power companies)

Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Membership Corporation EMEMC
P.O. Box 188
679 N.C. Hwy. 33 East
Tarboro, NC 27886-0188
252-823-2171, Fax: 252-823-4535

Dominion NC Power
1-886-DOM-HELP (1-866-366-4357)

Who picks up my yard waste garbage?

Yard waste and garbage is collected by Waste Industries.

Do I need a business license?

All businesses, either operating in or based in Princeville, contact Town Hall for more information: 252-823-1057.

Do I need a building permit?

Most building projects, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing work are required to be inspected. All inspections in Princeville are handled by the Edgecombe County Inspections Department. Prior to obtaining your building permit from Edgecombe County, you must obtain a Zoning Compliance Permit from the town. Contact Town Hall for more information: 252-823-1057.

How do I get my water turned on?

Contact the Edgecombe County Water and Sewer
P.O. Box 10
201 St. Andrew St.
Tarboro, NC 27886

How do I get a trashcan?

Contact Town Hall at 252-823-1057

FAQs For the Town of Princeville’s Proposed ETJ Expansion

See the below for frequently asked questions related to the proposed expansion of the Town of Princeville Extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ).

What does ETJ (Extra-territorial [planning] jurisdiction) mean?

The ETJ is an area outside of the Town of Princeville’s corporate limits that is part of the larger municipal planning and services area. Areas designated as ETJ become subject to the Town’s zoning and building regulations instead of Edgecombe County’s. This enables the Town to ensure that development patterns and associated infrastructure will allow the efficient provision of urban services as the Town grows. According to the rules set by the State of North Carolina, any town may exercise the powers granted to them under Chapter 160D within a defined area extending not more than one mile beyond its contiguous corporate limits.

Is this an annexation?

No. The ETJ expansion does not annex your property. The State of North Carolina does not allow involuntary annexation, per Session Law 2011-396. Annexation is an entirely different process and only initiated by the property owner.

Will I be charged for Princeville property taxes?

No. No one in Princeville’s ETJ pays Town property taxes. Your property taxes will be levied as they always have.

Will I have an opportunity to comment and ask questions?

Yes. The Town of Princeville is hosting a public hearing on February 21, 2023, at 6:00 PM at 201 S. Main Street, Princeville, NC 27886. Anyone interested may attend. Additional opportunities to comment on the ETJ request will be provided by Edgecombe County since the County must approve Princeville’s request to extend ETJ. The Edgecombe County Planning Board will review the request and make a recommendation to the County Commissioners. The commissioners must then conduct a public hearing before they make any decision to approve the ETJ expansion for Princeville. All County meetings and hearings will be open to the public. Before the public hearing, legal advertisements will be placed in newspapers, signs will be posted, and mailed notice will be sent to every property owner in the affected area. If a determination is made by Edgecombe County to extend Princeville’s ETJ, the Town will also hold a public hearing to establish the zoning of properties within the newly extended ETJ.

How will my property be zoned?

Any property added to the Town’s ETJ will be placed into the Town zoning district that is the most compatible with its current Edgecombe County zoning district. The Town will hold a public hearing to establish zoning of properties at a public meeting in the near future; notification will be sent prior to the hearing.

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Do addresses change when properties become part of the ETJ?

No, the ETJ expansion does not modify addresses. The US Post Office assigns mailing addresses and ZIP codes.

How can ETJ residents participate in local government?

Residents in the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) may apply to serve as an ETJ representative on the Town’s Planning Board or Board of Adjustment but cannot participate in Town elections.

What is the extent and location of the proposed ETJ Expansion?

See this map for the area of the proposed ETJ Expansion